OT 537 Media Project

This assignment has really brought to my attention how many everyday things OT’s can improvise with to give high quality care to their patients. I would have never thought about using a strawberry basket as a form of intervention for a client but after thinking specifically about my client, her occupations and what she wants to do, I was happy with how creative I could be.  Before this assignment, I have always been worried about my creativity. I would not describe myself as artistic but after this project, I have realized that being able to draw, or paint or make pottery isn’t all what makes you creative. What makes you creative is thinking about the circumstances you are in and adapting using the environment and the people around you. I thought I did just that with my media project. When I got a strawberry basket as my object, I thought to myself, “how will I ever come up with an idea to use this with my client?”. But after just sitting down, using past experiences and all that I have learned in OT school so far, I saw my creativity come to life. I have realized that everyone’s creativity looks different, and just because it is different, does not mean it’s better or worse. In future assignments and future clinical work, I think I will have more confidence because of this assignment. I know now that I can adapt to the situation that I am in, and hopefully be able to use the things around me to create unique assignments and give my future clients the best care. Below is the link to my Youtube video for my media project! 



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