Nike's 'Dream Further' 2019 Women's World Cup Advertisement

In the advertisement for the Women's World Cup 2019, a little girl follows several professional soccer players while they play in the tournament. First, she is shown walking out onto the field with a player from the Netherlands. They walk onto the field from under the tunnel and the little girls sympathetic nervous system is fired on. She is nervous as her breathing is heightened, her palms start sweating, her heart rate starts to rise and her pupils are dilated as she steps onto the field. The sympathetic nervous system releases epinephrine, or adrenaline, to increase her heart rate and move more blood to her muscles to prepare her for "fight-or-flight", or the soccer game. She ends up playing soccer games with many professional athletes as her sympathetic nervous system continues to stay on. She is alert and aware of her surroundings in order to stay in the game. At the end of the advertisement, the little girls steps up for a penalty kick. Here, she takes a deep breath to try to focus on making the shot. She is trying to lower her heart rate and breathing and decrease how active her sympathetic nervous system is during this time.
As an outsider watching this advertisement, I notice my body doing some of the same things. I feel like my sympathetic nervous system releases epinephrine as my heart rate rises, my breathing is elevated and I feel more alert and aware. I begin to remember being an athlete and how it felt to race or play in a game. This advertisement stands out to me because it makes you feel motivated to physically be your best and also excited to watch the Women's World Cup. You start to feel some of the same things the players would be feeling stepping out onto the field, and also playing in the game.

Below is the link if you would like to watch the advertisement, get motivated or get excited for the Women's World Cup 2023 or Men's World Cup 2022!


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